Sunday, February 23, 2014

Carribean: Expedition to St Juste (4) - Fort Surrenders

continued from the previous post ....

After Saigneville, the french retreated to Port Louis - with the British on their heels. Some skirmishing occurred in the town while french gained the safety of the fort. The british secured their positions on the island.  The next day two ships of the royal naval squadron accompanying the expedition bombarded the fort.

The next day facing further bombardment the french surrendered the fort, they discuss terms with the british commander ....
The british now have full control of the island.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Carribean: Expedition to St Juste (3) - Battle of Saigneville

continued from previous post ...

The British have landed on the north-east of St Juste and are heading towards Port Louis. French troops have marched from Port Louis in-land to Saigneville to face the British ......
French troops arrive at the town of Saigneville, seeing the british ahead of them down the valley they start to deploy .....
The british column approaching the town ...
The french have taken up their positions to defend the town ....
The british column halts, the naval contingent setup the cannon and open fire on the town while the plan of attack is worked out ...
The british manouver into position ....
The british move forward on their right flank and open fire on the defenders and artillery....
The french artillery have pulled back after taking heavy casualties. The british having cleared the field on their left flank continue their advance ....
The british attack goes in on their right flank, while on their left flank they exchange vollies with the defenders behind the stone wall ..
The attack on their right flank fails and the british fall back; after reforming the british move in for a second attack along the whole line ....
The second attack succeeds and the british surge forward into the town, some of the defenders fall back to the churchyard, while the rest run at full tilt in a rout down the main road...
After routing troops burst through the reserves on the main road, the french resolve starts to crumble in the face of the advancing british ....
The french fail to hold and they retreat down the main road towards Port Louis; the british secure the town and then prepare to march towards the port .....

to be continued ....

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Carribean: Expedition to St Juste (2) - the landing

continued from the previous post .....

For action on the island I've changed to my 28mm figs; if there is a naval engagement then it will be back to the 1/1200 scale ships.


The fleet had arrived on the north-eastern coast of St Juste,  the landing point looked viable so it was decided to disembark the troops. On HMS Prince Albert, Captain Biedekker supervises the loading of troops onto boats ...
On the shore troops are disembarking. While a small naval landing party figure out best to move the cannon, the marines head in land .....
After some time tall the troops have landed and are moving in-land through the shoreline jungle into the more open land where there are farms and sugar plantations....


Meanwhile the British landing has not gone un-noticed, their presence has been reported by a rider to the garrison commander in the fort at Port Louis.  French troops leave the fort and they will head in-land to Saigneville and then onwards to face the British ......


After landing troops some of the British ships bombard Port Louis - to make a feint to think their may be an immediate landing to take the port. Here HMS Prince Albert sweeps the fort with a broadside ....


to be continued .....

Carribean: Expedition to St Juste (1) - arrival

The British have plans to take the island of St Juste in the Carribean from  the french. British troops have been boarding ships in Port Royal on Jumeida; they will proceed to to St Juste with a royal naval squadron in support.

The fleet has left Port Royal and is off the coast of Jumeida ....

 After a few days sail they arrive off the north-east of the island of St Juste...

to be continued - next - the landing